Saturday, November 17, 2007


THE pleasure of reading a classic detective story comes from the way that the sleuth puts together several clues to arrive at a surprising conclusion. What is enjoyable is not so much finding out who the villain is, but hearing the detectives explain their reasoning. Today, not all detectives are human. At insurance companies, banks and telecoms firms, fraud-detection software is used to comb through millions of transactions, looking for patterns and spotting fraudulent activity far more quickly and accurately than any human could. But like human detectives, these software sleuths follow logical rules and combine disparate pieces of data--and there is something curiously fascinating about the way they work.

Consider car insurance. Every Monday morning, telephone operators at insurance firms listen to stories of the weekend's motoring mishaps, typing the answers to several dozen standard questions into their computers. Once, each claim form then passed to a loss adjuster for approval; now software is increasingly used instead. The Monday-morning insurance claims, it turns out, are slightly more likely to be fraudulent than Tuesday claims, since weekends make it easier for policyholders who stage accidents to assemble friends as false witnesses. A single rule like that is straightforward enough for a human loss adjuster to take into account. But fraud-detection software can consider dozens of other variables, too.

If a claimant was nearly injured (because of an impact near the driver's seat, for example), the accident is less likely to have been staged and the claim less likely to be fraudulent, even if it is being filed on a Monday. Drivers of cars with low resale values are proportionately more likely to file fraudulent claims. But that factor is less important if the claimant also owns a luxury car, which suggests affluence. And if the insurance on the luxury car has expired, the likelihood of foul play drops further, since this increases the likelihood a person will drive a cheaper but properly insured car. And so on.

The staggering number of combinations, each an indication of fraud or legitimacy, underscores the limitations of human analysis. Fraud-detection software, however, can evaluate a vast number of permutations and deliver a fraud-probability score. And such programs are getting better as new claims provide extra statistics that can help tune the computational recipes, or algorithms, used to detect fraud.

German insurers, for example, recently noticed that claimants who call back shortly after filing, angrily demanding speedy settlement, are disproportionately more likely to be cheaters, says Jörg Schiller, an insurance expert at the Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany. Evidently fraudsters consider themselves good actors. But when pugnacious policyholders call after the 20th of the month, the probability that they are acting decreases slightly, since funds from the previous month's paycheque may be dwindling. Mr Schiller says most car insurers in rich countries now use fraud-detection software, and those in developing countries are adopting it rapidly.

Play your cards right

With an estimated $250m in annual sales, and yearly growth topping 25%, the largest and fastest-growing category of fraud-detection software is that used to spot fraudulent credit-card transactions. According to the Association for Payment Clearing Services, based in London, such software is largely responsible for reducing losses from credit-card fraud in Britain alone from £505m ($925m) in 2004 to £439m ($799m) in 2005. Merchants implementing anti-fraud software for the first time commonly see losses from fraud reduced by half. Such software evaluates many parameters associated with each credit-card transaction, including specific details of the items being purchased (derived from their bar codes), to evaluate the likelihood of foul play in the form of a numerical risk score. Any transactions that score above a certain pre-defined threshold are then denied or challenged.

Buying petrol seems innocent enough. If no attendant is present, however, the risk score goes up, because fraudsters prefer to avoid face-to-face purchases. Buying a diamond ring soon after buying petrol results in an even higher risk score: thieves often test a card's validity with a small purchase before buying something much bigger. A $100 purchase at a shop that sells hard liquor is more likely to be fraudulent than a more expensive shopping spree at a wine shop, because whisky is easier to fence. A purchase of sports shoes is risky because trainers appeal to a demographic with less money than, say, buyers of golf clubs. Buying two pairs of trainers increases the risk, as this may indicate plans to resell them. Shoes in teenage sizes bump up the score further, since pre-teens are less likely to buy stolen goods. Sales in London, New York or Miami, all cities with vibrant black markets for shoes, push scores higher, as do purchases made during school holidays. The fraud history of individual shops can also be taken into account.

Seasoned criminals can, of course, figure out such rules and change their behaviour in an attempt to avoid detection. Some types of purchases are less likely to be fraudulent. A shopping spree in a linen shop, however, does not have much appeal to most criminals. However, says Mike Davis, a fraud expert at Butler Group, a consultancy, the "vast majority" of fraudsters are low-level opportunists fairly easily foiled by today's fraud-detection software. The situation, he says, is "spectacularly better" than it was just a few years ago.

But the technology trips up cleverer fraudsters too, using a variety of tricks. The software can, for example, assign a customised scoring algorithm to each credit card, depending on its normal usage patterns. That algorithm can then be fine-tuned after each transaction. If a card belonging to a Berliner has never been used to purchase a plane ticket or buy goods outside Germany, the system may block an attempt to book a Moscow-Tokyo flight leaving in three hours. An attempt to charge a moped to an elderly woman's card may fail. Cards are often blocked when the volume of transactions for which they are used abruptly spikes.

E-businesses using anti-fraud software now block about 8% of all transactions. Some aborted orders, of course, are not fraudulent. Each "false positive" reduces profits and angers an honest shopper. To limit such damage, risk managers (employed by the software developers or the merchants themselves) study sales data compiled before the anti-fraud software was implemented. This analysis helps retailers find the optimal score threshold to determine which orders they accept.

Online fraudsters have tricks of their own, of course. Carl Clump, the boss of Retail Decisions, a fraud-detection firm based near London with clients including Wal-Mart, Sears and Bloomingdale's, offers an example. Not long ago, American scammers began buying CDs of classical music with their purchases of expensive items, apparently in an effort to deceive anti-fraud systems (since such music is generally assumed not to appeal to young, tech-savvy criminals). Retail Decisions' software, called PRISM, detected the trend. Now, purchases that combine classical or opera CDs with expensive goods receive a higher score than purchases of high-cost items alone.

By reading a computer's internet-protocol address, anti-fraud systems can "geolocate" online buyers, and raise or lower scores depending on where they are. Most systems penalise customers in places such as Eastern Europe, China, Thailand and Vietnam. More dramatically, many merchants block all transactions from certain countries. As this practice becomes more widespread, many countries, mostly in West Africa, are being completely shut out of international e-commerce. SN Brussels Airlines, for example, uses software developed by Ogone, a Belgian firm that protects more than 6,400 European merchants, to shut out all computers in Liberia and Congo. Without it, says Bruno Brusselmans, director of online sales, "I don't even want to think about what would happen."

Telecoms firms have always suffered heavily from fraud, which is thought to reduce industry revenues by around 5%. But new software that identifies fraudulent callers on mobile networks is helping some operators slash their losses. Telecom Italia's 140 anti-fraud engineers trimmed losses this year to less than 1% by freezing about 30,000 phones a month, says anti-fraud director Fabio Scarpelli.

Such spectacular drops in fraud are more commonplace in the developing world, where mobile operators now investing in the technology. David Ronen, of ECtel, a firm based in Rosh Ha'ayin, Israel, with more than 100 telecoms clients and galloping growth in poor countries, says his firm's software establishes the normal calling patterns of individuals in order to detect tell-tale "weird situations". For example, if a mobile account opened in Shanghai, and sparingly used for local calls, begins making numerous calls from Beijing to a few numbers in a distant western province, then it is likely that a phone thief is calling friends back home.

Fair Isaac, a large fraud-detection firm based in Minneapolis, operates a system so fast that it can block dialled calls before they are even connected. The software, called Falcon, is widely used, since laws prevent many telecoms firms from terminating non-prepaid calls once they are connected. Wily criminals are increasingly operating black-market phoning businesses based in parks and on street corners. "You may see 30 people with cell phones on one corner and one guy is dialling all the numbers for them," says Ted Crooks of Fair Isaac. The calls, often to expensive destinations in poor countries, sometimes last days, Mr Crooks says, because cheats use forwarding systems to serve many customers with a single call. Technology that can pinpoint handsets' locations, however, allows calls in "hot" areas renowned for such illicit operations to be blocked.

It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-life detective work. But the result is the same. Life gets harder for the bad guys, and the honest citizens, who ultimately pick up the bill for fraud, are protected. The digital detectives, like those in mystery novels, arrive at their conclusions by combining apparently trivial morsels of information. But as Sherlock Holmes put it, "I am glad of all details, whether they seem to you to be relevant or not."

Economist Newspaper Limited


Insurers in states with high rates of deer-vehicle crashes are trying to get the word out this winter: Check your auto policy.

Cold months are peak season for deer-vehicle crashes, especially given the soaring deer population. Thousands of the 1.5 million drivers who hit deer last year found out the hard way that their auto insurance did not cover damage to their vehicle.

Only comprehensive insurance pays up in such crashes. "Many people are not aware that the collision coverage under an automobile insurance policy does not cover you if you hit a deer," says Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance Jorge Gomez.

Nationally, 36 million auto owners don't have comprehensive insurance, says the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Many drivers drop comprehensive coverage because they decide their vehicles are too old or worth too little to justify the cost.

For example in Michigan, the state with the second-largest number of deer accidents, comprehensive policies dropped by 16,000 in 2003, according to a recently released NAIC report. Insurers say that's risky for vehicle owners in states with large deer populations.

Pennsylvania, which tops the list of states with the most deer-related accidents, is bucking the downward trend. The number of policyholders in the state with comprehensive policies actually increased by 85,000 to 6.3 million in the most recent year available, according to the NAIC. And one Pennsylvania-based insurer says its deer-related accident claims have declined in each of the past two years.

Erie Insurance, which operates in 11 states, credits a driver education program it began in 1999 with helping to avoid crashes. In the past year, its deer-related collision claims declined by 6%, even though more drivers were covered.
Deer crashes result in at least $1.1 billion a year in vehicle damage, says the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

On average, the collisions cost $2,800 per insurance claim; $10,000 if there is injury to the driver or a passenger, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Lorie Honor applauds Erie's driver education program and is urging a coordinated national campaign by the insurance and highway safety industries and wildlife management to provide Americans with more information and education about deer accidents. "There is a huge hole in public safety," she says. Honor became involved after her brother, Paul Bollmeyer, and two friends were killed in Wyoming in November. Their vehicle hit a deer and spun into the path of a tractor-trailer.

About 200 deaths every year are the result of animal-auto accidents -- most involving deer, according to the federal government data.


Deer tips for drivers

To try to reduce deer-related accidents, Erie Insurance
publishes a news release and a policyholder magazine. Advice includes these tips:

*Don't swerve to avoid striking a deer, as that increases the risk of hitting another vehicle or losing control of your car.

*If there is no opposing traffic, use high beams at night to better illuminate deer.
*Don't rely on devices such as deer whistles, which are attached to the outside of a car, to try to scare off deer with an ultrasonic or high-frequency sound. They have not been proved to reduce deer-vehicle collisions.

*If a deer remains on the highway after you strike it, report the incident to the game commission or a local law enforcement agency, as the deer poses a danger to other motorists. If the deer might still be alive, don't go near it because a wild animal with sharp hooves can inflict injuries.

(c) USA TODAY, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


One must feel sympathy for Allstate, coping as it must with a thicket of laws, regulations and fees in 49 states as it tries to sell insurance for homeowners and drivers. (See story by Carrie Coolidge.) Or rather, sympathy for its customers. Ultimately, the cost of regulation is passed along to them. And the insurance business is the most politicized, controlled and micromanaged industry in America. That's because it is regulated by the states and not the federal government.

If the states had any faith in free markets, they would ascertain that insurers have enough assets to pay off claims and then let price competition take over. That faith is lacking. So we have states getting very involved in rate setting. The worst is Massachusetts, where the Allstate brand is not to be found, but California is a close second with its new pricing rules, and just about all the states stick their fingers in the pie to some degree.

If actuaries had a free hand, they would discriminate against all sorts of statistically dubious groups. They would charge extra for drivers living in accident-heavy urban areas, for homeowners who insist on building in the path of hurricanes, for deadbeats (turns out there's a correlation between low credit scores and accident-proneness) and for teenage boys. To a committed egalitarian, discrimination is the stuff of wickedness. But a 17-year-old, even one with a clean record, is a high-risk character. Amusing fact turned up in a survey of teenagers by Allstate: 12.8% admit to having read or written text messages while driving.

State regulation is definitely good for teenagers in Boston and for tipsy drivers in the assigned-risk pool. But is it good for consumers overall? Let's put it to the test. The system as it stands now keeps 10,000 state employees busy and runs up a tab of $1 billion a year. That money is extracted in the form of fees from insurers, who pass the cost along to their customers. Let's let any insurer opt out of state regulation in favor of a federal charter. (I'll bet Allstate, Progressive and Geico would go federal in a heartbeat.) Relieved of 50-state paper-pushing burdens and free to pick off the good risks with price cuts, the federally chartered companies would be a formidable competitive threat.


By William Baldwin


When a 3-year-old can buy a car and adults admit to daydreaming behind the wheel, it's time to buy a wig.

Chicks dig pink

The Neal family figured they'd buy their son a car one day, but not until he had his license—or was at least big enough to see over the dashboard.

That minor technicality was not enough to stop 3-year-old Jack, who had other plans when his mom left him momentarily unattended with her computer. She had unknowingly left her eBay account open, and after just a few random clicks. Jack, who isn't even old enough to read, managed to place the winning bid on a $17,000 Barbie pink Nissan Figaro.

Jack's parents had no idea what he had done until they received a confirmation e-mail from a car dealer who was delighted over what he thought was his very first sale through eBay.

At the Neal house, panic quickly turned into confusion. But all was made clear the following morning when Jack awoke and announced, "I've bought a car."

Jack's father called the dealership and explained what happened, and the dealership agreed to cancel the purchase and put the car back up for sale.

When asked if they were worried about Jack pulling future stunts on the Internet, the Neals said they were a little more concerned about their son's taste in cars.

The new look of safety

If you're looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the cyclist in your family, don't buy a helmet unless it comes with a wig.

So says researcher Ian Walker who recently took to the streets of England to determine if motorists take any fewer precautions when driving around bicyclists based on the rider's apparent level of safety.

To conduct his experiment. Walker rode a bicycle equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor and recorded data from more than 2,500 passing motorists.

Walker first tried riding around with and without a helmet. He found that when he wasn't wearing a helmet, drivers gave him an average of 3.3 extra inches of room when passing. Conversely, when he had a helmet on, he was hit by a bus and later a truck.

Walker also tried wearing a blonde wig to see if drivers would react differently to what they perceived to be a female cyclist. This time he was given 5.5 extra inches of room, not to mention a few stares.

In the end. Walker concluded that while a helmet will certainly reduce the likelihood of a head injury in a crash, the crash itself probably won't happen if motorists think you're Tootsie.

Keep your mind on the road

We've all heard the warnings about how dangerous driver distraction can be, but it turns out that distraction can be more subtle than talking on your cell phone while eating a jelly doughnut and shaving.

According to a new study by a British car insurance company, one in five drivers admits to being distracted behind the wheel more than 25% of the time by his or her own thoughts.

So what has motorists so preoccupied? The most popular response was work, followed by family issues, with still millions more admitting to daydreams of sex.

The study also revealed motorists' biggest pet peeves. Topping the list was tailgating (28%), lane hogging (20%), being cut off (11%), and cross-dressing cyclists (2%)